Drive higher search rankings, more traffic, and faster websites with Drupal.

URL Optimization
Acquia's Drupal starter kit comes with the Pathauto module which automatically generates URL/path aliases for various kinds of content (nodes, taxonomy terms, users). This makes it easier for users to get a better idea of what to expect from the webpage and helps with search rankings.
Structured Metadata
Automatically add structured metadata tags to your website and increase search engine visibility.

Page Redirects
Create manual redirects to avoid losing SEO rankings you earned on outdated content. This allows you to maintain a canonical URL for all content so that search engines know which link to send traffic to.
Sitemaps for SEO
Build a sitemap with your most important pages for search engines to crawl your site and understand page hierarchy. Generate multilingual sitemaps for entities, views, and custom links to help optimize SEO across your entire digital estate.

For Marketers
Find out more reasons why marketers love to work with Drupal.
Low-Code Content Creation
It should be easy to build content– for anyone. Acquia makes that mission a reality with Site Studio.
Drive higher search rankings, more traffic, and faster websites with Drupal.
Multilingual Management
Multiple languages – No problem. Drupal makes localization of your content a breeze.
Structured Content Made Easy
Content organization is critical to drive results. Drupal makes it easy to organize content models, types, and taxonomies.
Martech Integrations
Quickly and easily integrate with your existing martech stack to drive cohesive digital experiences and make the most of your digital content.
Enterprise Search
Enable your customers to quickly find the most relevant content to prevent users from disengaging with your digital experience.