Developer Workflow Tools
With the right tools, a developer can write more code, make fewer mistakes, and innovate faster than anyone else. With 100% cloud-based development tools, you have everything you need from the get go.

GitLab Partnership
Coupling our support of open source and our belief in working with the best, Acquia has partnered with GitLab to bring the best developer tools to the Acquia platform. Our Drupal-optimized GitLab comes with many Drupal optimizations out of the box: Automated updates, Composer support, static code analysis, code style verification, CI/CD pipelines, and more.

Automatic Updates
Regular code updates are a necessary part of life, but we can make that work easier on you. Automatic code updates will create merge requests with the updates and a QA environment for you. Just review and accept; now you can get back to the fun stuff.
Cloud IDE
Code in the cloud with Cloud IDE. Cloud IDE has everything a developer needs and integrates deeply with Acquia platform. With dedicated resources, full support for Xdebug, CLI access with common tools, and a fast connection in the data center, you can spin up a full IDE within a few minutes at any time.

Full CI/CD Process
Building, testing, and deploying is much better when you have a CI/CD process in place. You know what’s even better than that? When it’s set up and managed for you so you get the benefits of a modern development process without the trouble of maintaining it.
Code Scaffolding
Sometimes it’s faster and easier to get a running start. Code scaffolding tools can help you generate standard boilerplate structure for your code following best practices. A quick command, select a few options, and your code is started for you.

Lando Integration for Local Development
Prefer to work on your local machine? Sounds great. We’ve partnered with Lando to provide an Acquia-specific recipe for local development. Your machine, your way — the right way.
For Developers
Find out more reasons why developers love to work with Drupal.
Structured Content
Quickly assemble and manage content models, define relationships between content types, and organize content with powerful taxonomies.
API-First, Not API-Only
Hybrid headless content to power the entire organization. Developers get the full power and flexibility of a headless CMS and authors get low-code publishing. The best of both worlds!
Fully Composable Architecture
With Drupal, one of the largest open source communities on the planet, you can choose from 10,000+ extensions and integrations! Assemble and evolve your CMS to meet the needs of today and tomorrow. There is no such thing as future-proof, but composability means you can be future-ready.
World class performance and scalability
Building amazing web applications is no longer enough. You also need to ensure they are fast, delivered from the edge, and capable of handling extreme traffic bursts, like the Super Bowl and NBC Olympics.
Developer Workflow Tools
With the right tools, a developer can write more code, make fewer mistakes, and innovate faster than anyone else. With 100% cloud-based development tools, you have everything you need from the get go.
Rock-Solid Application Security
Security threats are constantly on the rise and every application is a target. With threat prevention, security processes, and world-class application design patterns, your Drupal applications are fortified from day one.
Open Source Community
The Drupal community is one of the largest open source communities in the world and provides an open source back-end framework for at least 14% of the top 10,000 websites worldwide. Come for the code; stay for the community.